Ahhh, the holidays. With them come so many joyous things.
All of the gatherings with family near and far. The many, many, many sweet school and church programs to attend. The tempting decadent food, mocking you around every corner in the office and at home. And the endless shopping for the perfect gifts for loved ones, both at the claustrophobia-inducing, crowded big box stores and the online retail giants, where you pay three times the cost for rush shipping but still leave feeling uneasy that the sought-after present you just ordered won’t make it in time to be opened Christmas morning.
The holidays can really suck.
Psychologists say it’s one of the most stressful times of year, mostly because people have unrealistic expectations of what the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s should look like. Instead of going with the flow, we – like most women – try to do it all – and do it all perfectly. When that happens, we tend to put ourselves last. That in itself is a recipe for disappointment and feelings of failure.
So how do H2W – happy, healthy and whole – women handle holiday stress and manage to stay active and sane this time of year? Well, first of all, they accept that they simply can’t do it all. And, they take time for themselves.
Here are a few tips from some H2W woman who live in Iowa, where our company is located.
“I commit to a daily 5 a.m. workout class,” says Jana Hilton Sturm of Council Bluffs. “It’s a habit and helps me kick start my day, mood and self-worth.”
Says Rachel Vande Krol Kohren, who lives in Pomeroy: “I record Classical Stretch from my IPTV. The instructor was a professional ballet dancer. So while it sounds like a grammy exercise thing, she stretches me out, works my muscles and my kids (who are with me all the time) get to join it too. It's our after lunch pick me up (because we know I don't need more coffee) - then we get our cleaning butts in gear and declutter.”
Amy Kline Mosher, who lives in Council Bluffs, said she makes her workouts “a commitment I don’t break. Eating on the other hand is a challenge during the season but getting my workouts in keeps my stress down and happy endorphins up!”
Adds Lacy LaRette, also from the Bluffs: “Active…hmmm….does chasing kids count? Not to mention running from one activity to the next! I keep reminding myself that every day is a new day and a chance to start over – instead of beating myself u for the things/workouts that I didn’t get done, or the things I ate that I shouldn’t have today. I think it’s just as important to enjoy this time of year and give yourself some grace as it is to keep healthy habits. The trick is finding the balance that works for you.”
Sabry Edwards of Council Bluffs said she also works out early in the morning. "If it doesn't happen first thing, it doesn't happen at all."
H2W Apparel’s line of comfortable, cute leggings that fit how they are supposed to fit and don’t grab you in weird places. Our comfortable sports bras were designed for real women – like you.
“I wanted to compliment you on having girls of all sizes and colors representing your apparel line,” said customer Sioux Sun-Susan Talkington-Butler. “Thank you for including everyone!”
H2W is offering free shipping through Christmas, so that’s one less stress and expense off your plate. Check out our line and consider buying a bra or leggings for yourself, so even if you don’t have time to work out, you’ll feel happy, healthy and whole no matter how crazy traffic is or how that annoying Christmas jingle just won’t leave your head.
We’re here for you. Join the revolution this holiday season.